Some time in mid-December, Blogger enabled mobile versions of templates in Blogger in Draft. What this allows is a more refined layout for anyone who visits a blog on a mobile device. The mobile template does not obey all of the theme trends, especially in a custom template like mine, so it reverts to a simplified version. At least it places my header at the top. If you blog on Blogger, to access this feature at this point in time, visit and go to the Email & Mobile tab.
I know browsing my fishing blog can be a somewhat cumbersome task on a mobile device, especially with the busy sidebar that I have going on. The mobile version does have a link at the bottom to allow visitors to view blogs in their full versions, but for the mobile readers out there, this smaller layout should suit you well.
Here's a screen shot of of the preview Blogger generated for me. Clicking the arrow takes you to a mobile page view of the individual post.