I was getting frustrated with the header image because the text just didn't look right. While that text in my header has drawn a lot of fire in the past, I continue to feel that the message needs to remain clear. Can't lose sight of what got me blogging in the first place.
So the new header lightens things up a bit. I gave it a slicker look with a different font of a lighter tone. I moved the text down to the next section of the blog and kept the heading simple. Added a cool little Dem Donkey image with Photoshop to kick things up a notch. I also tossed in a customized Louisiana license plate with my handle. When put together as one, I think the new image has a lot more punch, visually.
When I moved the other text down, I ended up shifting the "Getting Around" section down too. That left a huge hole in the html table to the right where I keep links to social networking, popular posts, and my upcoming posts list. I didn't like that empty space, so I scanned my sidebar for two items that would fit. I could have moved the section related to star ratings over, but that would have required some rehashing of the table tr's and td's (for those of you familiar with html). I just didn't have the patience for it. Moving short items from the sidebar up to the top was just easier.
Since I get visitors from other countries on a fairly regular basis, the Google translate widget really is more ideal when located at the top. Then I moved the Snapshots code up too. While the Snaps section fits, I'm not sure if the script will run properly. Hopefully it won't interfere with other javascript on the page. I've had trouble with the Outbrain ratings not loading from time to time and sometimes the Snaps script itself drops.
That's all for now.